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Bone Crackers, Witch doctors and the like
Okay here is my take had very large dog hit me with his 150 lbs of weight
wanting to play. I fell over with hip into the concrete first. I was wearing
jeans and a very oversize sweat shirt. My pelvic bone hit so hard that it
caused a 1 1/2 inch long gash in my hip. It also some how screwed my spine
out of alignment. Lower vertabre. I don't know the numbers.
I went to a chiropractor who is also a licenced MD. He basically said if I
can't fix you I will find someone who will. I went for a few visits and He
showed me some exercises to do. I felt tons better. Occasionally I would get
all scruntched up again and have to be straightend out.
When I had a bad riding accident the next Monday after it happened he got to
work on me right away. Now here is the fun part, he obtained my records for
me and read to me what happened with my xrays and cat scans. I found out
info that the doctors didn't tell me. I had a bad knee injury that had
caused fluid to build up on my knee. I complained to my regular doctor that
treats me and he just blew me off. Dr.B told me to have an MRI done and he
would see what was going on. He refered me to a great Orthopedist, well
turns out all I had to do was some leg strengthening exercises and all is
well. As for my shoulder...and back.. well I have to go visit and get
straightend out again.
As for help I have had tons and tons of folks here that have given me great
advice to help work the knees, legs and back. Lif posted a while back about
some exercises for the lower back. I have and still do these exercises. They
help alot after a long 5 hour stand at the ovens or while slapping dough
around after slapping a couple of hundred pizza doughs a night you get
pretty tired and your back feels like someone tried to pound you into the
But as the joke goes...
How many Chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb?
one but it will take six visits.
carla (gonna go rub my hubbys back!)
Ansata (oh mine too mom!)
Haley (me next!)
Rob (oooooooooo aaaahhhhh ohhhhhhhhh)
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