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Re: RC: Re: Chiropractors
In a message dated 9/12/00 11:33:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time, CMKSAGEHIL
<< << You're sopposedly a medical person--describe the technique. >>
I'm the equine equivalent of an OB/GYN. You like it precise--so go ask the
guys who do it. I gave you two great sources. I'm sure they'd be glad to
talk to you. Unlike some folks, I know better than to try to be all things
to all people. Go do your own homework. "Not believing" is in the same
realm as "believing." Neither concept belongs in an open mind.
Heidi >>
This is an open forum, have your "experts" come on and back you up with a
description of their techniques. You hesitate to stick your foot in your
mouth--do they?
Not asking you to be all things to all people, just to back up your rantings
with a little fact. Supposedly you've witness some miraculous cures with
equince chiropractics--just describe what happened physically to the horse.
Supposedly you were there. Supposedly you have some sort of medical
background. Supposedly you have a functioning brain and the ability to read
and write.
Having an open mind doesn't mean that you accept every bit of claptrap that
comes down the pike. "Open" is one word; "mind" is another. If you don't have
a critical faculty, you're a helpless sailor on a veritable sea of
misinformation. In this group, you're a major contributor to that
misinformation. That's because you make pronouncements before you think about
them. Your friends do the same thing, and you're all insulted when called to
If you will think before you write, or avoid proclamations about things that
are patently untrue, then you'll have no trouble with me. If you persist in
the other direction, you can expect a healthy argument. If you take offense
to that, it's ok by me--I take offense to misinformation--it muddies the
water when I'm seeking clarity.
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