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Re: RC: Re: Chiropractors

In a message dated 9/12/00 9:27:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time, Tivers writes:

<< And precisely what do they explain about spinal anatomy? You're a vet, 
supposedly. Tell me how it works in the horse. Explain spinal manipulation in 
the horse so we can all understand it from a medical point of view. >>

I can refer you to several excellent veterinary chiropractors who can do it 
far more accurately than I can.  You wouldn't take my word for it anyway.  
Call Nancy Elliott, or Eric Sharpnack (Bramledge probably knows him well), 
for starters.
 <<In order to have a useful "open mind", you have to first have a mind that 
is working. Otherwise, what Brother Leroy says is just as valid as what Dr. 
Bramledge says. And your mind becomes full of gingerbread. >>

As kat advises--I'll gladly concede the pissing contest.  Amazing how dialog 
degenerates to such a non-substantive level when you don't want to understand 


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