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Re: RC: Re: Chiropractors
In a message dated 9/11/00 8:32:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Tivers@aol.com
<< I try to deal with genuine medics as much as possible, and don't want to
about diagnoses regurgitated by the neighborhood quack. >>
And as you are so often wont to say, one has to keep an open mind to learn
everything. There are quacks aplenty in all fields--chiropractic, MD's and
DVM's, and even people who write books about training race horses and don't
claim to have anything but an open mind. Every REPUTABLE chiropractor I've
been to has been able to explain what he/she does in terms of spinal anatomy
and function, and neurological anatomy and function. And if they can't, yes,
I agree--run like hell in the other direction, because they likely don't know
what they are doing. And beware the chiropractor who thinks he has the cure
for everything--respect the one who is brave enough to say (in the
appropriate circumstances), "This problem is not a chiropractic problem--seek
another form of therapy." But fear of the unknown is a paralyzing thing, and
it is a shame when folks won't utilize tools at their disposal, be they
chiropractic or TENS units, simply because they don't understand the
principles involved and think the treatment is quackery.
Heidi (who is thankful for a qualified chiropractor who has helped my rehab
from traumatic incidents far faster and far more effectively than did my MD,
who simply wanted to push pills down me)
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