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animals on the road

Found this in the CA DMV handbook:


Some vehicles have trouble keeping up with the speed of traffic. Look for
these vehicles and adjust your speed before you reach them.
Farm tractors,*animal-drawn carts*, and road maintenance vehicles usually
travel 25 mph or less. Slow moving vehicles may have an orange triangle on
the back. It looks like this sign.
Watch for large trucks and small, underpowered cars because on long or steep
hills they lose speed. When entering traffic, they take longer to get up to



> Horse-drawn vehicles and riders of horses or other animals are entitled to
> share the road with you. It is a traffic offense to scare horses or
> stampede livestock. Slow down or stop, if necessary, and when requested to
> do so by the riders or herders.

Also this:

> Animals on or around the road:
> € If you see animals or livestock, slow down. Obey the person in charge of
> the animals. If you see a stray animal in your path, slow down or stop, if
> it is safe to do so.

A friend used to have a team of Belgians.  We were doing a hayride for our
church around Christmas time in our relatively small rural city (23,000
people).  for the most part we kept to the side roads, but had to go on the
"main" roads a few times.  We had the proper lights on the wagon, plus extra
blinking holiday light too.  Scary!!  Some people virtually ignored us.  One
car even slowed a bit to throw stuff at us!  Couldn't believe it.  So much
for laws and rules.


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