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Re: RC: Re: children's saddles

--- "Louise Burton" <>
> wrote:
>My kids started as little bitty ones.  I was adament that they start
>English.  For two, no horn to get hurt on, and two..riding
>English makes you a better rider 

Yes, Louise - I do agree, and while we use Western saddles at camp for beginners, my own kids ride English.

My daughter (8) rides in a Stubben Rex (English jumping saddle, expensive but worth it) which, although it places her leg a little forward, gives her a lot of security since she's little (60 lbs).  I also don't mind a forward leg as much with a Small Person, since they often need to brace against their feet to use their hands effectively.  

Now don't y'all start on me about that being a bad habit, because it's MUCH easier to break that one than to help the rider who sits forward on their crotch and leans on their hands, which is pretty much the alternative unless you want to start them riding as teenagers.

Beyond that, and for a larger child, I'd try to find a synthetic dressage saddle in a 15" seat (English saddles measure differently).

>Remember, kids are really light, and can get away with almost any type of
>saddle, as far as the horse's back is concerned.

And this is also true - but I have found very few horses that couldn't make do with the Rex, from 12hh to 16hh+.

Best of luck
-Abby B


* * * * * * *
Abby Bloxsom
ARICP Level III Certified Instructor
Recreational and Distance Riding

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