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Here's a strange story...

I'm just curious to hear people's comments on the following story...
One of our clients has asked Nelson to testify for him at a preliminary hearing Monday.  The hearing is to determine if this client should go to trial for "felonious assault with a deadly weapon"...the weapon?  His horse. 
Apparently there is bad blood between this client and his neighbor.  The client was riding his horse along his property line one day where his neighbor was putting up fence...they had had to do another survey and the guy gained 15 feet to his advantage.  Whoopee... our client had been checking out the clearcutting and brush hogging that he had had done on HIS side.  Our client claims that the worst thing he said to the guy before riding off was that he was an a**hole and would die an a**hole. And he rode back home. Next thing he knows, the cops are out taking a report.  The guy claimed that our client CHARGED him with his horse and knocked him down.  Twice. 
#1...if you ever met this fellow, you wouldn't even imagine he could raise his voice. 
#2...there was brush and branches EVERYwhere.  The deputies looked for hoofprints and the closest ones they could find among the brush were 50 feet away from the a**hole's property line. 
#3...this client has had horses about a little over a year and is still very inexperienced as a rider and this particular horse is a HUGE walker and not that maneuverable and agile in that kind of terrain!
#4...I just don't think you can MAKE a horse CHARGE someone and knock them over.  Now we are not talking about war tactics such as caprioles and levades,etc. as was mentioned the other day!  :) In my experience, unless it's a vicious horse for some reason or an unavoidable accident, a horse will try its best to AVOID hitting, running into or stepping on a person. 
The sheriff who took the report thinks it's all hogwash but the prosecuting attorney is up for reelection and his campaign coffers have been a little hungry and the a**hole has more than enough money to feed it.  In fact, when he built his house in the area, he also built a church next to it...just seems a little odd and definitely he has more money than he needs!  Of course, the witnesses who had nothing to say when they took the police report now have TONS to say, fortunately all conflicting.  I am sure any sane judge will laugh at it and throw it out of court but this is FELONY stuff here. No laughing matter at all.  I am just curious if anyone has ever heard of such a thing and if so, what happened and what you think about the possibility of an inexperienced horseperson being able to make its horse CHARGE and knock down a person.  
Maggie Mieske

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