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Re: Is my mentor an idiot? :o)
Backpacks are made to put virtually all of the weight on the hips - the
shoulder straps are simply to prevent the pack from tilting backwards. But
horses and people are not the same.
But that said, she is riding a gaited horse. There is no shock to be
absorbed. Some of what I read in this thread is by people that (shudder)
One negative of 2-point in a gaited horse is that forward weight tends to
shift the gait to diagonal. The quickest way to get a gaited horse to trot
is to shift weight forward. Add a little post action, and the gait goes to a
hard trot. Uphill I will shift weight somewhat forward, but not to the
extent of a 2-point - I ride gaited horses.
Another of the negatives of 2-point is the unbalanced weight in the saddle -
by that I mean the front of the bars are putting more pressure on the horse
that the back of the bars - doesn't change the total weight (you didn't
suddenly lose weight), but increases pressure at the front and decreases
pressure at the rear. How much of a problem that is, I am not prepared to
say - probably depends in part how long one remains in 2 point, how much
surface area the bars have at the front of the saddle. At least one saddle
fitter (David Genadek) doesn't like a lot of contact at the front of the
saddle because it puts pressure points on the withers as the horse flexes to
turn (He wants the front bars to flare out - out of contact). Complex issue.
I prefer to keep my saddle back a bit as an alternative and utilize the full
surface area of the bars.
Duncan Fletcher
----- Original Message -----
From: "CAROL HEARD" <carolheard@mcsi.net>
> Hi,
> If you were carrying me up a hill would you rather I sat on your
> shoulders or on your hips.? My horses have 'explained' to me that they
> would rather I ride the steep trail in a 'half-seat' consisting of
> lightening my seat in the saddle and also back. Frees up the forehand
> because my weight is off it & yet takes the pressure somewhat off the
> rear end. Does this make sense to you?
> carol
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