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Is my mentor an idiot? :o)
Now that I've got your attention with that header... LOL....
The lady I board with does CTR on NATRC. I boarded with her because I
had hoped she would be a good mentor and the place is close to home.
She also has competed on gaited horses in the past. She has some
practices that I am not real fond of...not to mention the fact that
her horsemanship leaves a lot to be desired when her horse displeases
her. She absolutely insists that you are to ride the majority of your
ride in 2pt. And that you are to 2pt up hills. Now....I feel that
2pt on a gaited horse actually increases and isolates the pressure of
the rider/saddle on the shoulder/withers area and that this is not a
good idea. I am of the impression that 2pt is to absorb the shock of
rider bouncing at the trot. Am I stupid? (yes...I really want to know
hah) I am also of the impression that 2pt plus the normal leaning
forward to stay upright on hills effectively puts the brakes on the
front end of the horse and screws up the center of gravity and
balance. She swears it frees up their back end to push. What are
your opinions on this? Am I just an ignorant student or is my mentor
in need of a mentor? Thanks in advance. I trust the advice from this
list....and the blunt honesty is respectable. :o)
"If the grass is always greener on the other
side of the fence.....try watering your yard!"
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