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Re: Wild West II (long)
Loved your neat RC story. I was offered a job as a letter carrier in Fallon
about 12 yrs ago. Didn't accept because I had bad knees, and was trying to
transfer to Fallon P.O. as a clerk. Things just didn't work out. Retired
from the postal service in Long Beach CA last year. Just bought myself a 4
y.o.Tennessee Walker and am learning to gait on him. I plan to get Him and
myself in shape and go on some of the great rides that have been described
on RC. Sounds like there are some neat riding areas around Fallon. Have
you ever or are you allowed to, ride in the Tahoe area?? Seems like that
would be a beautiful place to ride. Congrats. on being a single mom and
raising a good son. Take care and keep the great stories coming.
Lindak & AAce
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