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RC: RE: AERC & International & FEI
- To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
- Subject: RC: RE: AERC & International & FEI
- From: Leonard.LIESENS@cec.eu.int
- Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 10:34:05 +0200
- X400-Content-Type: P2-1988 (22)
- X400-MTS-Identifier: [/PRMD=CEC/ADMD=RTT/C=BE/;0057330026006204000002L342]
- X400-Originator: Leonard.LIESENS@cec.eu.int
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- X400-Recipients: ridecamp@endurance.net
Another point concerning money and FEI...
You are wrong!!!
Most of the FEI rides here (France, Germany, Belgium, Spain....) are without price money.
I remember last year I won the 100 miles Veluwe Trail in Holland against Jack Begaud... and I won a superb blanket and a rosette (cumulative value : 50 US$, old dollar value compared to euro:):)
True that the UAE is buying horses, a lot, from Australia and Europe. I'm not sure that this is in order to make the opposition weaker. But this is true that the french willing to make part of the national selection have to sign a contract where they commit of not to sell their horse... why not ?
Also concerning that... I remember a regular discussion o ridecamp about the price of the endurance horses, with plenty of breeders complaining about the low price of the horse and trying to convince the folk that breeding, raising, training a young horse cost money and that the minimum price for a horse like that turns around 5K US$. Now there is a new market opening... why to complain ?
Why is the UAE paying huge prices for a welll proven horse ? Take an example : 4 year horse good breeding costs 10K ; 2 year conditioning plus feeding/shoeign (done by a professional trainer paied) etc... cost around 18K for 2 year = total 28K .... on 10 horses maybe one will be outstanding === > final cost for one crack : 280K
Is this then not better to buy horses like Varoussa or Dynamik or Django or Wyle a way, if they can afford it ?
Leonard, Belgium
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