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Re: RC: FEI Endurance
> In a message dated 08/28/2000 10:01:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> Tivers@aol.com writes:
> << This is what I see, too. Should the sport become an Olympic sport, the
> change
> will accelerate dramatically. It is not logical to expect otherwise. But
> then, logic isn't a strong point of this group.
> >>
> Quite possibly, but maybe the "dramatic acceleration" to a professionally
> controlled, money-driven sport is not what our AERC members want. Perhaps we
> should ask them. And they can always vote out the BOD members who do not
> help direct AERC the way they wish to see it go.
> Barbara
Say!!!! that's why we have AERC Int'l as a COMMITTEE of AERC. I CAN and
SHOULD have different goals.....there IS room for BOTH apples and
oranges!!!! We all have our own goals and opinions...why not let others
have theirs? Just because many riders do not like or want FEI and Int'l
competition does NOT mean we have to throw it out!!!!
Come on!!!! This county was based on individual freedoms and were have
lost and are losing more every day...don't add this to the list of our
"lost freedoms"!! For a nation that is SUPPOSED to be the land of the
free and the home of the brave, it seems like we are nurturing ego,
prejudice and control!!!!!
Get a grip! Like Tom said, there seems to be no LOGIC!!!!!
Teddy Lancaster
Finally back from France, but not fully
functional until after Labor Day.
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Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
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