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Re: RC: FEI Endurance
In a message dated 8/28/00 10:38:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, MTo9831816
<< It's hard to be logical when you have so much emotion wrapped up in a
living breathing, part of your family... I for one will never be logical
when it comes to my buddies... I know you understand that Ti cause all your
research all your hours, everything you are about is getting the most out of
the horse while keeping it healthy happy and sane... thats what I like about
you, that and you are so willing to share all of this with us so we can do
the same... Bless you Ti >>
That's the problem with athletics--be it human or equine. You're always
treading a tightrope between beneficial exercise and injury-causing exercise.
The only solution is to condition well beyond any stressor that is likely to
be encountered in competition. At that point, you are a true athlete--or a
true horseman. Anything less is cruel and unusual punishment, no matter how
sanctimonious the philosophical wrappings.
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