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Re: RC: RE: $$$$$

In a message dated 8/28/00 9:51:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I've talked about this with FEI people and they point out that their aim is
 different. The whole point of an FEI ride is to work towards establishing
 who is the "Best". The basic premise is that of a competition of rider
 against rider, and the devil take the hindmost. Horseracing. One of the
 things that I've wanted our riders to learn from endurance has been to care
 for their animals and the other riders also. That it's great to be first,
 but during a ride it's also all of us, people and horses, out there against
 the trail. A subtle difference but it makes a big difference in attitude.
 It's good to be first but it's better to be good.
 Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
 Cairo, Egypt >>

So, what you need is an international organization of Non-Competitive 
Endurance Riding. NCER. In fact, NICER might be the appropriate acronym. 
Doubt, though, that that sport will make the Olympics. 


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