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synthetic pad, synthetic saddle....
Renee soulsserenade@aol.com
okay, I've got a question...and a good one too!! <g>
I had been using a friend's Wintec 500 dressage saddle with a woolback pad...and I was really happy with the way it fit my horse. Soooo, I came across a Wintec 500 ALL PURPOSE saddle (slightly used), and bought it (the only difference with these saddles is that one has a straight flap and the other has a forward flap...otherwise, it's the same exact saddle). The saddles have the same size gullet (they're changeable...they both have x-tra wide...) I used a woolback pad, w/out inserts with the dressage saddle, and I'm using a COOLBACK pad WITH ultracell inserts with my saddle....
Now, MY saddle is leaving dry spots near my horse's withers. BUMMER!!
I'm going to try my saddle, with the coolback, WITHOUT the inserts, to see if it's the inserts causing the dry spots (I kinda doubt it though).
What I'm wondering is this: Could the coolback pad cause dry spots, that the woolback wouldn't cause? I know they (whoever THEY are) say that it's important to use a wool pad with a synthetic saddle....maybe this is why...
comments anyone?
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