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Pour in pads

  I have used the black Equi-Thane pour in pad on my mare for the
  past 2 years and have never had one come out. Since this
  horse is a Peruvian Paso, she has a lot of 'throwing' capability
  from her front movement.

  The horse is shod in the normal manner, and then the materials
  are mixed as they are 'shot' into the hoof bottom. It only takes
  about 1 minute for the material to set enough that the hoof can
  be wrapped in Saran Wrap, and placed down. In 5 minutes (10 if
  it's cold) the pad has set to the consistency of a Goodyear tire.

  I've never had one come out and we ride lots of rocks up here.

Sue Riegel, So. Oregon
Distance Peruvians and 
Rescue Keeshonden

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