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Re: Chevy S10
>When you need the ability to prevent an accident the S10 will fail you..
>then its to late to wish for a bigger truck..
The problem is, you can always wish for a bigger, better truck. My
father has a diesel Suburban, always have had them since '78 or so. And we
wish we could get a bigger truck for hauling all our construction equipment
around town.
>Harsh truth but real... Around town in light traffic not bad but on
>interstate, no way. The automatic transmission will not last long
>especially if you are doing mountains.
Ahh, that's where the problem is. When you tow in light traffic, you're
stopping and starting. Very tough on the engine and tranny!! When you're on
the highway, you build up speed and maintain it. That's why city MpG is so
much lower than highway MpG. So if you have an automatic, it's great on the
highway and mediocre on the streets. Just ask any profession semi-truck
driver. They also love driving on the highway cause they just get their
speed and keep it there.
But yes, if you are in the mountains, you need a standard. But, if your
tranny is weak, then you're going to burn it regardless. You need a strong
standard tranny. And electric brakes (which we've never used before even
when hauling in the mountains of VT in the Suburban).
>My Chevy 1/2 ton silverado could hardly get a two horse trailer over the
>mountain in North Carolina (Black mountain east to west) And controlling
>the speed down the other side going home was real hairy. The brakes would
>burn some every year going west to east.
Did you have electric brakes to assist you? Also, I wonder how many people
who haul a lot in the mountains use a Jake brake (aka engine brake)? That's
what the semi-truck drivers have and it works like a charm. As soon as you
ease off the gas, it cuts off the exhaust and you slow down. Not a lot of
wear on the tranny that way.
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