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Re: RC: OF cutbacks
First of all, you have the KAK virus. :-( It came
with this message you just sent. You need to try to
clean your computer before it spreads to others who
are unprotected.
I ride in an OF Express Lite - essentially the OF
Cutback with a slick fork pommel in front (which I
like to rest my hands on as we amble down the trail
with "dude" friends or when we're "resting"). Try the
Cutback on your horse to be certain that the panels
aren't too long. Older panels were nearly 29" long!
Newer ones are MUCH shorter. I have an OLD Express
with updated panels that fits my smaller arab very
well. The newer Express Lite has the longer panels
which offers more weight bearing area but needs a
bigger horse & longer back.
I got the Express for Razz when he was 4 and GANGLY!!!
No muscles, narrow, not much withers. His back has
changed SO MUCH in the last 8 months & it's still
changing. I can really sympathize with you. The OF
panels have spread & flexed to match his back
throughout the changes. Using the OF saddle he has a
comfortable back with no dry spots at the end of each
of our rides (running around 4-5 hours long) with a
heavy weight rider. (My husband weighs in with tack
at around 228 lbs.) No problems with the infamous
"loin rubbing" with any of my OF's, but all my horses
have good coformation - flat backs, good withers, and
they're not built down hill like many I see.
The quality of these saddles I have from OF are
surperb - You get your money's worth. OF is a little
outrageous on the cost of accessories, though. I try
to buy extra booties (the pads that fasten to the
panels) etc either used or from an "after market"
dealer. The only thing I really don't like with the
sadddle is the "in flap" rigging. The english billets
are built into & attached to the panels of the saddle.
My OF Express Lite is set up this way. It has held
up well, but I'm just leary that it isn't as secure as
a traditional english rigging with webbing attached to
the tree. NO reason behind this feeling, though.
If the price is right, I'd go for the OF saddle. They
hold their used-price value very well. If you decide
you don't care for it, you can always sell it.
Linda Flemmer
Blue WOlf Ranch
Bruceton Mills, WV
--- Mieske <mmieske@netonecom.net> wrote:
> I don't normally read most of the posts about
> saddles like these because I simply can't afford
> them. Lately, I hardly have any time to read RC at
> all (I'm afraid to as that kak worm keeps rearing
> its ugly head!!). Anyway, I might have the
> opportunity to buy an OF cutback at a reasonable
> price over time. I am hoping to try it for a week
> or two first. My concern is that my horse is young
> (5) and changes so much, I can't afford to buy a
> saddle every 4-6 months. I would appreciate private
> posts from people who own or have owned an OF
> cutback, pros and cons and if I later need something
> else, do they sell well used? Thanks for your help,
> folks!!
> Maggie Mieske
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