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potions and lotions

Beth Glover
Hi R.C.!  I keep seeing people mention Desitin, and preparation H, used in all sorts of ways.  I hated Desitin when I was doing the diaper thing, its sticky like glue, and to get it off just about requires removing a layer of skin. Not to mention the stinky fish smell.  Not to mention what's stuck in it:o  Doesn't that stuff grow bacteria like crazy?  I asked my Vet, he said "Don't use it they can have a reaction and swell up grossly."  What else can you use instead? How about Vaseline?  What about A&D ointment, or Neosporin? What about plain zinc oxide?  Also I wouldn't use Prep. H on a wound, because its a causes "shrinkage" (vasoconstriction perhaps).  I don't think that would help healing. Unless you are going for Miss America, and they say it reduces the puffiness and bagginess under eyes, and elsewhere! 

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