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Report on the Eastern High Sierra Classic Ride
- To: "ridecamp" <ridecamp@endurance.net>
- Subject: Report on the Eastern High Sierra Classic Ride
- From: "Michael Maul" <Michael.Maul@nsc.com>
- Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 22:35:44 -0700
- Organization: National Semiconductor
I posted this to the local groups here in California but thought it
might be of interest to others. Part of it is just California - we
don't see green grass from May to Oct... - other parts apply to us all.
The Eastern High Sierra Classic ride this w/e in Bridgeport, Ca Aug. 19, 2000
It's the first time I have attended this ride and the area is beautiful.
The basecamp has the background of huge mountains rising from the valley floor
with snow still in places on the peaks. The nights were crisp and the stars were
something we never see near the cities. The Milkyway ran across the sky
disappearing into the mountains at night.
The ride combines high desert, mountain terrain, and alpine meadows in the
50 mile distance. The ride had a controlled start at 6 AM led by Ron
and Ruth Waltenspiel in the desert area - then going into rocky areas that
led us toward the snow. While we never made it to the snow - we did get
up to 8500-8700 feet using lots of switchbacks. Coming down - we passed the
waterfalls from the many streams. Most everyone walked the rocky areas
and made time in the desert and meadows. My unofficial number on the
vertical up and down was about 9000 feet from the information on the ride map.
The 20 mile morning loop was the desert and mountain leading back into basecamp.
The front runners were in by 9 AM even with the rocks. The second loop was
in the meadows and really nice. The grass was very green - something
the group from Quicksilver doesn't see again until winter here... Lots
of cattle grazing - many places to let your horse stop and eat. The
non-front runners did that in lots of places.
The "Duck" was the head vet. After getting the date for the ride wrong -
he chartered a plane and flew in for the ride start. There were 43 starters
and 43 finishers in the 30. There were 128 starters and 114 finishers in the
50. A big ride but very well run by Jackie Bumgardner. The large basecamp
was full of rigs, horses, riders, and their friends and families. There was an
excellent dinner Saturday evening after the ride where Jackie gave out the awards.
Some things I heard during the ride that stuck with me - Maryben Stover coming
in at the end on her first 50 after several years off with Trilby shouting
Go - Go - we are running out of time! Trilby had set her watch ahead
and thought she had no time left. There were actually 4 minutes left
when they got in... Karen Chaton rode with them in her slowest 50 ever
to make sure MB made it in. |-) MB saying - this damn horse never gets
Another woman coming in just a few minutes earlier - then hugging her
husband and crying - it was her first 50 and she was so happy her horse had
done it.
Ron and Ruth saying one of us always makes it through - this time it didn't
happen - but it was a great ride anyway...
Riding with new people at various times during the ride - trading names -
where you lived - what you did - how you got started in this crazy sport...
How all the horses loved the grass... and green again...
And it's your turn to open and close the gate... |-)
For me - it's rides like this that show the side of the sport that sometimes
gets lost in the desire to top ten or be high in the awards standings. I
have hiked some of these Sierra areas on foot and seeing them from a horse
is something to remember.
I know Karen Chaton will have her pictures to post soon - but being there and
seeing it was something I won't forget.
Great ride - Jackie.
Mike Maul
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