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Re: RC: competing in easy boots

>The biggest problem is the initial fitting and then keeping 
>track of which boot goes with which horse on what foot.  Any 
>marking methods I have used up to this date wear or fall off.  Any 
Sue -

How about notching the top rim of the boot (horse A gets one notch, horse B gets 2, etc.) at the outside corner of the boot (right quarter for RF foot, right heel for RH, left quarter for LF, left heel for LH)?

A farrier generally knocks a mark in the outside heel of the shoe to tell them apart, but a steel shoe looks different front to hind ...

Okay, now the question is, do people generally rotate their easyboots to maintain consistent wear?  (My nephew is a serious rollerblader, and my brother has a special pattern for rotating his skate wheels, like a car.)



* * * * * * *
Abby Bloxsom
ARICP Level III Certified Instructor
Recreational and Distance Riding

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