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which vet to see at checks
One of the comments about the NC ride and vetting made me wonder - how
many of you try to see the same vet throughout the day at a ride? Are
we even supposed to do that?
I for one have my favorite vets at a ride - ones that I think are
experienced in the sport, that I just happen to _like_, know what is a
normal response and what is pain when checking muscle tone, and who seem
to be reasonable when things aren't quite 100% - offering to see the
horse again after a rest or after an extended break, that sort of thing.
I am not at all advocating seeing one vet because you think you can get
something by one.
I can see where seeing the same vet all day could be an advantage or a
disadvantage depending on your perspective.
I'm interested to hear both from the riders on the list as well as the
RMs and vets about this.
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