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Re: Amazon.com sells "Cannibal Ferox" - a film with torture of anim...
There are always people who will object to things that other people think
are reasonable. People object to people who have other religious
beliefs don't they? Or to people having the right to decide what's
right for their own bodies. There's even people who object to
anyone "using" animals for any reason whatsoever - whether or
not pain (cruelty) is involved. Who will define what is right and
wrong for all? Perhaps the director of this movie is doing the
cruelty to animals people a favor - if people don't know and can't find
out that sick practices exist, then how will anyone stop them?
I'm thinking that by complaining to Amazon.com we're shooting at the
messenger, not the creator of the message. INFORMATION should never
be censored. IDEAS should never be censored. Practices... now
that's something else. But go to the ones who are performing the
practice - in this case people who allegedly tortured the animals - not
the ones who disseminate the information. If you don't like the
movie (the book, the article, the email) then don't look at it - that's
your right. You can even give the movie we're talking about a bad
review. But don't ask anyone else to censor anything so you don't
have to look at it. Be proactive, not reactive.
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