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Re:GAHR is not XP-2001

tom sites
Hello,  Barb you are so genuinely sweet.  I spoke on this forum previously on this subject and was not going to bother again but it seems folk still don't know the differance.  GAHR started at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds in Frankfort N.Y. on Memorial Day 1976.  It ended in Sacramento Ca. on Labor Day at the Ca. State Fair.  Rumors, stories and lore is intertwined to the point truth is as strange as fiction.  The XP-2001 is an event which has grown from an offshoot of GAHR in 1976 when a group left GAHR and created the Pony Express Classic i believe it was called.  They rode from St. Joseph to Sacramento.  The event has been held numerous times and is an AERC sanctioned event.  Their website is  I wish the Nicholson Family the greatest amount of respect and good tidings on the event they are planning in the summer of 2001.  There were political differences way back then between the two camps tho friends were on both sides.  I think time has allowed these differences to disapear and the Love of the Sport to nourish newfound adventures.  yer friend in adventure tom sites GAHR#77

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