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Re: RC: creatin monohydrate & gamma oryzanol

In a message dated 8/2/00 10:35:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< While drooling over my Schneiders catalog, I came across these two 
 creatine monohydrate (sold under the name Muscle Max) and gamma oryzanol 
 under the name Muscle).  Both are from the same company.  Both claim to 
 performance, increase lean muscle gain, delay fatigue, improve recovery AND 
 visible results in under 2 weeks.  No dosage info was given.  5lbs. of the
 Muscle Max sells for $189.95 and 16oz. of the Muscle sells for $83.95>

Gigantic price for the Creatine monohydrate--a little under twice what we 
sell it for. The GO is priced at about the same as Body Builder, a product we 
get from a manufacturer in New York. Very likely it's rice oil, not pure GO. 

the creatine monohydrate is best combined with sugar in daily does, but it 
does produce the effects claimed, and GO has an anabolic and calming effect 
that is noticeable. However, I'd question the used of either of them in a 
healthy endurance horse. 


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