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Re: creatin monohydrate & gamma oryzanol
> creatine monohydrate (sold under the name Muscle Max) and gamma oryzanol
> under the name Muscle). Both are from the same company. Both claim to
> performance, increase lean muscle gain, delay fatigue, improve recovery
AND have
> visible results in under 2 weeks. No dosage info was given. 5lbs. of the
> Muscle Max sells for $189.95 and 16oz. of the Muscle sells for $83.95
Creatine (phosphate) is a sort of starter fuel in the muscle cell, provides
a very short term energy source until glycogen and/or fats are mobilized.
The claim is that an exogenous (outside) source of creatine enhances energy
and stimulates muscle growth, but as far as I'm aware, it's still relatively
unproven in humans (though I don't keep up with the human literature, maybe
Beth would know), and I haven't seen anything clinically demonstrating its
worth in horses.
Gamma oryzanol is a substance contained in rice bran oil, it has some
steroid-like properties.
If either or both of them work as claimed, I personally have my doubts that
they would be of any real use to anybody other than absolute top, elite
performers looking for even the tiniest of edges---for everyone else, you
would undoubtedly get far more measurable good towards gaining lean muscle
mass by consistent and sensible conditioning, and decent nutrition.
Susan G
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