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Re: RC: Fw: was CTR: slipping saddle now muscle loss

> Personally, I ALWAYS use a breastcollar (the "hunt" type that attaches the
> arms(?) together over the withers) for one single reason:  If by some freak
> accident, both my girth and surcingle should break, the breastcollar should keep
> the saddle from twisting all the way under the horse's belly.
Tamara Woodcock

Good safety tip! A riding buddy of mine just had a girth break on him while going up a
steep bank. He and the saddle came off the back end of the horse and he suffered  a badly 
bruised spleen and fractured ribs. Luckily he was riding with someone, although they
eventually had to airlift him out of the canyon he was in. You can't always be certain of 
what stressed tack will do. But now I always check my girth several times when out riding.

Bonnie in AZ

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