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Alternative Endurance Horses
Hi Kelsey,
Four years ago, I started endurance on my beloved Thumper the Quarter
Horse. Thumper was only 5 years old but he was the best conditioned and
level headed horse on my friend's ranch. I was put on Thumper so he
could take care of me--that way the Cowboys would not have to spend so
much time making sure I didn't get into trouble. Thumper did a very good
job of training me.
Thumper and I spend 100's of hours doing our training. During the week
while I was at work, Thumper worked on the ranch. Needless to say, he
was in wonderful condition. He has a very low resting heart rate for a
QH, solid feet and a really competitive attitude. We did well in
limited distance but more important, we were a solid team. I could
trust Thumper to get me through about anything--still can--and he could
trust me not to take him further than he could comfortably go.
We stopped at 30 milers. I know many people do 100's on non arabs but
Thumper is a big, heavy muscled QH and I notice a difference in his
performance between 25 and 30 milers soooooo--that is enough.
My Cowboy buddies on the ranch ride TB's for power and speed. I'm told
their feet won't hold up in endurance--sure hold up okay on the ranch.
Grandpa's big geldings are all over 15 years old and go all day long.
My Anglo Arab was a really good endurance horse and did 100's with her
prior owner until a non ride related foot injury ended her career. I
also have an 1/2 Arab 1/2 Trakehner who is awesome and has always vetted
out soundly. But I have to admit the purebred arabs Tzar and Falon are
the horses Morgan and I ride because of their consistency.
If you want to consider something really different in your area, I
talked to the gentleman who started the cross breeding program for the
Nez Perce (?) indian tribe about 5 years ago. They were crossing the
Akhal Teke stallion they were given off of their own appys. They were
getting some really solid endurance prospects. I have always wondered
how they are turning out and if any are competing. I was impressed with
the Akhal Teke information I read in the Middle East while I was there
and also enjoyed riding Lari Shea's AK's.
Good Luck and Take your time selecting your equine partner,
Joane White
Price, Utah
Thumper the QH with an Attitude
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