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Another recent endurance substrate paper
Authors DR Pendergast, JJ Leddy, JT Venkatraman
Title A perspective on fat intake in athletes
Full source Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2000, Vol 19, Iss
3, pp 345-350
Performance in endurance events is dependent upon the maximal aerobic power,
the percentage of that power that can be sustained and the availability of
substrates (carbohydrates [CHO] and fats). The purpose of this paper is to
present a perspective of recent studies that demonstrate the role of fat
intake and oxidation on endurance performance. Studies have shown that
fatigue is associated with reduced muscle glycogen and that increasing muscle
glycogen or blood glucose prolongs performance while increasing fat and
decreasing CHO decreases performance. This has led to an emphasis on CHO
intake in athletes in endurance sports, which quite often leads to low
caloric intake. It is well known that trained subjects have higher levels of
fat oxidative capacity, which spares glycogen during endurance sports. Data
from recent studies in trained athletes, who were fed iso-caloric high-fat
diets (42% to 55%) that maintained adequate CHO levels, have shown an
increase in endurance in both men and women when compared to diets composed
of low fat intake (10% to 15%). The magnitude of the effect on endurance was
significant at high percentages of maximal aerobic power and increased as the
percentage of maximal aerobic power decreased. Based on this review, a
baseline diet comprising 20% protein, 30% CHO and 30% fat, with the remaining
20% of the calories distributed between CHO and fat based on the intensity
and duration of the sport, is recommended for discussion and future research.
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