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Re: RC: Re: FYI
In a message dated 7/26/00 6:11:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time, TddWil@aol.com
<< OK, so what would meet the 'carb-based diet' requirement ? The
before and carbs during the ride would be your GL? The Enduroevent I feed at
10% fat sounds like it would load fat. Or are we talking alot higher(like
adding rice bran)?
Shelly in DE >>
Separate out training from campaigning, first. You'll have to replenish those
triglycerides between races, so it wuldn't be a carb-exclusive diet at that
point. What I was talking about was getting to the first important race, and
assuming that you're not trying to race the horse into shape.
So, for the training secton, a feed like Omalene would be useful. In the fat
loading section, a feed like Purina Athlete, or even something with a little
lower fat content might do. Glycogen Loader or Carbo Charge will work for
both loading and during-race supplementation--but another thing to remember
is that not much glycogen loading has been done in endurance horses and some
have reported far too much horse at the start with glycogen loading. So
that's an area that needs to be explored more fully.
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