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Re: RC: Re: FYI
In a message dated 7/26/00 7:23:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
rides2far@juno.com writes:
<< Hey Tom,
actually, I had made it through the post and guessed that was what it
meant. Thanks for clarifying. Now, if I could ask one question. I used
to feed fat. My horse has no problem maintaining his weight without it.
I came to the conclusion his body had fat to burn without me making him
dislike his feed and drawing fire ants to swarm his pan so I discontinued
any suplementation. Was I right in assuming he had equal access to body
fat in the event that he maintains a certain weight?
Angie >>
Well, my hypothesis, drawn up with the help of Jim Autio, is that the
endurance horse will rely considerably on intramuscular triglycerides during
a race. Furthermore, if you train on a carb-based diet--train hard and
long--you will have the body crying out for IMTGs and learning how to store
and burn them efficiently. Then, as you come into the first big race of the
season and begin your taper, you load fat (high fat diet) for 30 days and
fill that IMTG tank. Then for a few days you carbo-load, topping off the
glycogen and creatine phosphate tanks. Then, during the race, you supplement
with carbs--putting the icing on the IMTG cake. That's the way human distance
athletes are doing it these days.
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