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Re: RC: RC: Mare vs Gelding?

we regularly ride mares, as well as our stallion, and the gelding we have 
right now - not for long I think - is a delightful fellow but doesn't have 
the survival attitude of our mares. He is as willing as the day is long, with 
beautiful gaits and a wonderful, people lovign attitude. But even our 
stallion doesn't work the same as our mares who are placid down the road but 
fierce about taking care of themselves and getting through anything. My 
husband and I are in absolute awe of our young daughter's new mare, bought 8 
months ago to replace her mare who died suddenly. This young mare, while 
challenging in her training (she was not trained for most of what she is now 
doing), she is protective, careful and sensitive to oru daugher's needs. I 
see this in her every day interaction with our daughter.

In addition, I have both experienced and seen the great care and sense of 
nurture on the part of our old mare, now 25, who has been with me for 20 
years. Not only did she teach me many thing sin her - and my - youth, but 
taught my daughetrs gently and lovingly for teh past decade, and continues to 
teach young children how to ride, to be confident, and ultimately, to trust 

we gace oru daughter a choice between the terrific big gelding and the handy 
little mare. she chose the mare. I know it wasn't an easy choic inc ethe 
gelding was alreayd comletely trained. But she mare teh hoice. I know many 
people swear by geldings, but give me a mare any day!

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