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Dog at OD ride - This dog has attacked and bitten before
Corky Unclecorkysgirl
To the parents of the bitten child on bike
at the OD ride this year:
This nasty female part chow dog has attacked
and bitten people in the past. This dog
should not be at any rides, and NEVER loose.
There are LAWS to protect children, horses,
adults, etc. against attacking dogs.
If your child was mine, I would make sure
the dog's owner got a summons, and follow it
up in court, since this dog has done this
before. The dog's owner is well aware of this.
I have pit crewed in the past at other rides,
and the same thing happened with the same dog.
People, smarten up! Why can't this child
ride his bike at camp, especially when there
was hardly anyone there yet? Children come
1st, not nasty dogs. It made me sick to see
all the bad comments everyone made on RC
pertaining to children being at a ride event;
this dog attacked, end of story. This child
wasn't next to other people's horses, or
misbehaving. He was simply riding his bike,
not bothering anyone.
Of course, there are other children who don't
listen at a horse event and run wild, riding
their bikes next to horses. These rider's
who bring their unruly children should be told
to leave, but this particular child wasn't doing
anything wrong.
Please, keep your dogs tied on a short lead,
or keep them in your camper or trailer, before
another innocent child gets bitten.
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