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Re: Re: Re: Geriatric cat attacks loose dogs at rides.

What would happen if you strapped a slice of buttered bread ( butter side
up ) to the back of a cat and dropped them?

Maggie Fleming
and NO this has absolutely NOTHING to do with endurance. Unless you could
then fasten said buttered cat to yourself as an anti-falling device!

 Texas we know that cats make effective anti-sweat sheets.  Given the
> average cats complete abhorance of getting theri fur wet with anything
> than cat spit, it became quite logical to attach cats to strings and
dangle them
> around the horse.  The cats, through a process of reverse attraction,
makes the
> sweat evaporate immediately from the horse, cooling effectively.
And no one tell Angie about him being
> > on a sponge rope (complete with sponge) as a leash.  Gosh knows what
> idea's
> > she will come up with!
> >
> > Nina
> Do you folks back east know something about the water-absorbing qualities
> cats that we don't? (And could this explain the yowling along the trail
> heard at Tevis this year?)<g>

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