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Re: RC: Re: Re: Geriatric cat attacks loose dogs at rides.
Here in Texas we know that cats make effective anti-sweat sheets. Given the
average cats complete abhorance of getting theri fur wet with anything other
than cat spit, it became quite logical to attach cats to strings and dangle them
around the horse. The cats, through a process of reverse attraction, makes the
sweat evaporate immediately from the horse, cooling effectively.
"Susan Garlinghouse" <suendavid@worldnet.att.net> on 07/24/2000 10:16:32 PM
Please respond to "Susan Garlinghouse" <suendavid@worldnet.att.net>
To: Coujurs1@aol.com, rockingb@worldnet.att.net, Ridecamp@endurance.net
cc: (bcc: Tamara Woodcock/US1/Lend Lease)
Subject: RC: Re: Re: Geriatric cat attacks loose dogs at rides.
And no one tell Angie about him being
> on a sponge rope (complete with sponge) as a leash. Gosh knows what
> she will come up with!
> Nina
Do you folks back east know something about the water-absorbing qualities of
cats that we don't? (And could this explain the yowling along the trail
heard at Tevis this year?)<g>
Susan G
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