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Re: RC: Re: Safe starts at races...
In a message dated 1/22/00 5:16:51 PM Pacific Standard Time, bass@bigsky.net
<< The easiest way to have a safe start at a ride (I've found) is to avoid the
start of the race. I wait for most of the riders to leave (while I
continue warming my horse up away from the start area), then I head out.
It seems to be easier on my horse (they don't burn so much needed energy in
the first 10 miles or so), and it's much safer because I avoid the majority
of the "traffic". And, yes, you can still compete using this technique --
I rarely finish out of the top ten. Hope this helps! >>
That is exactly my philosophy too. Especially this year when I was starting
a young horse. I hung back and actually was designated the "official drag
rider" at Star's first endurance (LD) ride, the Norco Riverdance -- thanks
Lynne :)). We started in the back and stayed there (let me tell you at times
that was a challenge :). I did find with Harca at endurance rides that it
was better to start toward the back (except at Tevis, which is another story)
and just keep him in his good boy, non-racing, fire-breathing mode. I think
on 50s you can start at a more reasonable pace (especially the technical
rides) and do quite well. As far as RACING LD, why?
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