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Re: RC: Re: Tevis - Slower riders


Funny that you picked up on just that one statement. To me, that was just the
cherry on the sundae you were piling up and I thought I asked a legitimate
question. From your reply I can see that you wanted to show that the mare was
ready for Tevis.

If indeed there were problems, ya kinda shot your credibility in the foot with
the way you presented the whole thing. (You can't yank a shoe? You honestly kept
riding knowing your mare was running on empty? Or worse, the way you stated it,
you didn't have a clue until you stopped.) That's what I was trying to say.

Some people just aren't good with words and I'm trying really hard to give you
the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you didn't realize how your explanation of the
whole thing looked to some of us.

Deanna (Ohio) wrote:

> In a message dated 7/19/00 8:27:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << And then you tell us all on RC that
>  you did this, and then you mention that the horse did a fast 100 with a
>  heavier rider 3 weeks previous as if to prove.... what exactly?
>  Deanna >>
> You know this is the fourth person that has to feel this is a bad thing.  It
> is not.  I rode with my other horse (Rett Butler) that my son-in-law rode
> with me at the Tevis and he completed the ride.  Rett Butler did the same 100
> miler ride as we did three weeks before with a heavy weight and completed it.
>  But Rett didn't spin a shoe. The horse is also 1 year younger.  And another
> thing is My horse Ima Liberated Lady is used to this type of riding.  Check
> out the Nat'l Pioneer number one horse for 1999.  Yep, that is her!!!  She
> did 1575 miles total for the year of 1999 and 1125 just in multidays.  You
> don't do that by riding your horse once a month.
> Tammy Robinson
> Trail-Rite Ranch & Products
> 661/513-9269

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