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Tevis - Slower riders
Since I have returned from this ride I have been going over with myself
as to why and what happened to us for not completing the Tevis. This is a
common thing that most of us do, I'm sure.
Hind sight is a 20/20 vision and as you step back into the event you
start with the shoulda, woulda, coulda's. I shoulda started out faster so I
coulda made it in time for having hay and bran at the vet checks. But if I
started to fast then I woulda been there too early for hay because it
wouldn't have gotten there yet. But since I got at these vet checks after
the first 50 riders then there was none. Oh, I forgot there was some sort of
grass stuff that none of the horses ate but felt it was great to pee in.
Every vet check was the same, I know, I went to all of them, but did not
continue pass the Upper Quarry. There was no hay, no bran, no carrots.
The other thing was, as I look back...my mare spun a shoe on the rear.
It was hanging to the outside. We came up to Pine Slab VC and we were good
to go. Only I wanted to get this shoe replaced or pulled off without taking
half of the hoof with it. No farrier! I asked the officials they said the
farriers left to meet the front runners. I was told no problem there will be
one at the Deadwood VC. I was to continue on with this shoe sticking out.
We got to Deadwood and the same thing! Sorry the farrier just left for
the front runners at Michigan Bluff VC. At this point I would not continue
on. There was a vet willing to pull the shoe and it took some time. The
lines were backing up now because of me and my problem. After this I pulled
on an easyboot and off we went. Oh, by the way, no hay, bran, carrots again.
So off we went, got into Michigan Bluff and guess what...same thing! Good
to go but my mare's looking funny in the rear now, so off we went to Forest
Hill with visions of hay and farriers!
At Forest Hill my mare looked funny again but still was good to go.
Yeah! caught up & FOUND the farrier. We got the shoe replace, looked for
Alfalfa hay, all gone. They said, "Sorry we are out, how about this (pee'd
on) grass stuff." Looked over at the still in coming riders behind us and
now they are not making the cutoff times. Hmm...
Went on to Francisco's VC same thing no hay, no bran, no carrots! Passed
this VC with my mare looking still funny in the rear but good to go. Now I'm
thinking, OK might end up completing this ride with a new record of the best
non fed horse to do a 100 miler.
Well, I was wrong, all of this caught up with my sweet, strong, very
experience mare "Ima Liberated Lady" of 4200 miles in 3 1/2 years. I mean,
my husband just did the Californio 100 three weeks prior to the Tevis with
his weight and topped 10! But then she had food!
Anyway, without proper support in the rear the vet said she was stiff and
sore. So we were pulled. I wasn't very upset at the time and walked off.
Things like this happen, I'm experienced I know this, but was hoping to make
the last 6 miles. But, as I was waiting for the trailer to come and pick us
up I sat watching my mare eating and now we have good lighting. She was
starved! I mean really starved! Like I said we've done 100's and this is
not my 1st Tevis, but this horse was behond hungry. She was glassy eyed, and
bolting down, guess what? That grass hay stuff, not caring if it was water
or pee in it.
Of course, this was my experience and there is no bottom line except,
either they have to hire more farriers and buy more hay for 258 riders or
limit the ride to 50 riders. I paid $275 for my entry just like the front
runners and I expect the same supplies & service as them.
Can you tell, I'm upset, I couldn't take the care of my horse as I felt
it needed. Until this will be solved, I for one won't come back.
Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products
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