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Donations for NTC - thank you all

I want to acknowledge the following people and thank them for there
generous support to sent two very knowledgeable people to the NTC to
represent the use of the trail systems on public land for competitive
equestrian events. In order to get our say on how these trails are
developed and used we must be represented at the table. 

SERA will also be kicking in a significant portion to cover the expenses
of this conference as will the AERC trails committee.

I would also like to second Jerry Fruth's challenge issued in the last
EN to riders in other regions to organize "trail conferences" similar to
the SETC (Southeast Equestrian Trails Conference) and OVTC (Ohio Valley
Trails Conference) to address these issues and to engage the public land
managers in dialog to our needs and desires concerning trails and trail

Again thank each and every one.

Jean Wonser
Marci Cunningham
Lynne Glazer
Angie McGhee
Karen Clark
Judith Etheridge
Paula Stich
Dale Lunde
Barbara Beck
Linda Merims
Teddy Lancaster
Carol Patterson
Mike Maul

Truman Prevatt,
President, Southeast Endurance Riders Assoc., Inc.

Truman Prevatt
Mystic “The Horse from Hell” Storm 
Buck's Mystic Karma
Rocket a.k.a. Mr. Misty
Jordy a.k.a. Bridger (when he is good)
Danson Flame - hey dad I'm well now and ready to go!

Brooksville, FL

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