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4 y.o. w/ arthritis
K S SWIGART katswig@earthlink.net
Considering her background of race training, arthritis as a four
year old does not particularly surprise me. If you went down
to any race track, I think you would be hard pressed to find a
horse there that did not have some arthritic changes in it
at least some of its joints.
I, personally, would be leery of going the IA cortisone shot route, as
it is my understanding that while this provides some temporary
relief, that it contributes to the degeneration of the joint.
Which MIGHT be okay for a 20 year old horse that you just want
to provide some comfort to in its waning years (hoping that the
horse will die before the joint completely deteriorates); however
for a 4 year old I would investigate and pursue HA or GAGS
instead as they are reported to actually stop the degenerative
process. Especially since she is (presumably) showing lame from
the arthritis, which suggests that the degeneration is already
quite advanced, or that it is in a "bad" spot.
I would also, since it is in the front knee, ask the vet if it is in a
fairly non-articulating joint (there are quite a few joints
in the knee that have very little articulation), because if it
is, then there is hope if the joint fuses. Which may slightly
reduce the range of motion in the joint, but the pain will go
Orange County, Calif.
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