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Re: Re: riding position a different problem

>>It is as close as I can get to bareback riding as I can using a saddle.  I no longer have any knee, ankle or foot problems at all. 
Speaking as one who has had no instruction at all---Lif--I think you hit the nail on the head right here---I would highly recommend that everybody do their learning to ride bareback.   it develops a feel for the horse, your muscles come into play more--you never have the opportunity to learn to put weight on your feet, and you develop balance and once you learn to depend on yourself for balance, your confidence goes to new highs--just to mention a few things.   Of course, there is that "getting on" if you are not light on your feet or don't have a mounting block of some kind (tree stump, ditch, etc).    I'd also suggest not riding in shorts on hot days---makes for a slippery ride (grin).    Claudia

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