First, the RMR needs your financial support to be able to continue! We are "selling" virtual ownership in RMR trail miles for $100 per mile, with the proceeds going first to offset any operating loss, and secondly to trail maintenance and improvement, including permanent markings. You can pick the mile you want to buy on a first come, first served basis (eight have been sold so far!), and you will be listed in a special section on the website. We strongly believe that this is a very special ride, and is unique in many ways ... as of two years ago, there were 10 5-day rides in the country, with six being point-to-point ... now, in 2000, there are only two that are point-to-point. If you have never experienced the multi-day aspect of endurance riding, you are missing out on a truly challenging, wonderful experience. But, for this opportunity to continue, we need your help. If you are interested, please contact Fred Cluskey at or Linda Fisher at Checks should be made out to the Rocky Mountain Ride and sent to Fred Cluskey, 35705 Co. l4 Blvd., Cannon Falls, MN 55009.
Second, your help is needed (and will be greatly appreciated!) with trail marking and unmarking. This is a fun, easy way to help out AND spend some time with your horse and other friends! Many helped out last year, making the marking the best the ride has ever had (thanks again!). Marking must be done between Sunday, July 29 and Saturday, August 4th; unmarking, which is critical to the continuation of this ride in the Canyon Lakes RD, must be completed by August 21st in the Arapaho/Roosevelt NF, and by the 28th in the Medicine Bow/Routt NF. Advance thanks to Linda Fisher for her unknowing agreement to accepting the challenge of marking a section of the RMR trail, as nominated by Brad and approved by Fred (Linda-it is very easy, very close to FC, and you can do it)!!! If you are interested (thank you, thank you, thank you!), please contact Brad Patterson at RideManager@GoRide.Org.
Third, come to the ride! This is endurance at its peaks! It is on August 7 - 11, beginning in Arlington, Wyoming, just off I-80 about 40 miles NW of Laramie. Each day has a 25-35 mile Limited Distance ride along with the 55 mile endurance ride, and you can elevate to the EN distance. Each day is a seperate event (yes, you could ride a different horse each day!), and rig drivers are available for hire. No preregistration is required. The ride is AERC, MRER & UMECRA sanctioned. Rig drivers and volunteers are also needed if you are interested and available.
Brad will be out of town from Friday, July 7 - 14 and not checking voice or email. Please check our website or contact Linda Fisher at 303-364-9556 if you need additional information.
Brad Patterson, Ride Manager
Fred Cluskey, CFO
Linda Fisher, VP of Sales
kat Swigart, Day-of-Ride Manager:
Email at, or
Lois Spiegel, Ride Secretary: Email at
Barney Fleming, DVM, Head Vet: Email at ENDURANCEVET@WRITEME.COM or
Ute Jung, DVM, Assistant Vet: Email at