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Abusive rider
barb bkcbs@hotmail.com
"It is my experience in life that those who rush to judgement tend to have hidden character defects. That those who stridently accuse do so to cover their own weaknesses.
Based on the facts presented thus far, the rider in question is clearly innocent of intentionally killing his horse. And, judging from the quality (or lack of quality) of the information presented thus far, innocent of all else as well. It may be that he exhibited, now and in the past, bad judgement--but that is far from demonstrated here with these silly emotings. "
Finally someone has the balls to out a chronic abusive rider, and you attack him. This is exactly why people hesitate to get involved. Many of us could be considered complicit in the horse's demise, because we were afraid to say anything, or didn't know what to say, or were afraid of retaliation or being sued.
The indisputable point is, had this horse not raced he'd be alive today. This poor creature was abused ...not just this once, but many many times, only this time proved too much for the valiant animal. I feel no pity for this rider...he has no empathy for the horse.. that's painfully obvious. I sincerely hope he feels remorse and pain at the animal's death..maybe it will cure him of ego-riding. Maybe he'll consider the horse's feelings...maybe, better yet, he'll go back to motorbike racing which is a better sport for him.
The fact remains...what do you do to curb people (there ARE others like him) who jeopardize this sport's reputation. People in other riding disciplines have long looked down their noses at Endurance, I believe in part, because of the potential for abuse (that is not to say there isn't abuse in other disciplines). In the last 5 years or so, the Endurance community has worked hard to improve its reputation. Deaths connected with rides are a black eye. So are dead-tired horses.
I am totally in favor of Australia's horse passport system (i think they do this in Europe too). Yeah, it's more rules, more regulations, and many of us are in this sport because we rebel against too much control. BUT if it will save a horse's life, then I am all for it. So let's use this incident to galvanize this horse community.
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