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timid foal

    Thank you to everyone who responded to my plea for help with our latest foal. I really appreciate all of your input (and encouragement).
    The little spook is getting better ....very slowly, but at this point we are grateful for anything!
    The suggestions that seemed to work the best were to avoid looking her right in the eye, and to just spend hours near her - not doing anything to her, just near her. One of the suggestions was to haul out a chair and a book, and just go "sit" with her.( I've gotten through a couple of good books! ) It seems to have really helped. She is still not friendly at all ( not like the others who crowd the gate and can just never get enough attention.) but has finally gotten up the courage to walk up and sniff me. What a milestone! I felt like I had just won a race!!
    Thanks again for the help - you guys are great!
While the OD was struggling with hear and humidity-
I was discovering that my new rain gear is not sufficient
when it is 45 degrees,blowing wind, and rain without end!  <g>

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