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Re: RC: Re: ice boots
At 10:31 AM 06/08/2000 -0400, Rides 2 Far wrote:
>... At Liberty I tried Karen Chaton's suggestion of carrying
>the little blue ice packs that you can freeze and putting them under his
>crown piece. They were frozen when we left home, kept in the cooler but
>had gone soft, were nice when first put on but within just a couple of
>minutes were warm.
Angie: I meant to use the ice packs that you break open -- they aren't
frozen ahead of time. So when you pop them (the contents inside), the
chemical reacts and you shake it up, then the little pack stays frozen for
20-30 minutes....even in the heat....they work GREAT!!!! Did you get the
web page addy I sent showing where to get them from? They are totally
awesome for using as quicky ice boots in an away check. Then, once they
have been broken you can re-freeze them.
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