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RC: water tank fish??
For bugs and mosquito larvae, simple goldfish are best. Let the fresh
tank water sit for 24 hours before adding them to allow the chlorine
to evaporate. I don't know how safe dechlorinators are for horsey
consumption, so I wouldn't try it. You can get a cheap glass gallon
fish bowl to house them while the water settles.
For algae, get a plecostomous. Avoid the fish labeled as "algae
eaters" in the pet store - they are very destructive and will breed
like rabbits. Also, they are carnivorous and will eat your goldfish.
If the water temperature gets below 40 degrees, stop feeding the
goldfish. As long as the tank doesn't freeze solid, and you melt a
hole in the ice for oxygen transfer, they'll be fine. Don't cheat and
break the ice - the concussion will kill them.
The plecostomous is a warm water fish, and will need to be brought
inside when the water temperature drops below 60 or so degrees. Buy
the smallest one you can find. They will grow to fit the size of your
tank. If you can find someone with a 75 gallon tank, you might be
able to work a deal to "overwinter" your pleco. Large ones are hard
to come by, and very expensive. There are online fish suppliers - if
anyone has trouble finding a pleco, let me know and I'll dig out my
best sources.
The goldfish and the pleco will thank you for hiding places. A few
rocks or a small concrete block with holes through it is perfect.
It's a good idea to feed the goldfish every 3 days or so. Don't
overfeed - just what they'll eat in a few minutes. Try to locate your
tank where it's at least partially shaded. If the water gets too hot,
the fish will stress and get diseased.
If anyone would like to know more, I'll be happy to go into the finer
points of aquaria. ;)
Kenzie (who left her 100gal tank behind with her ex-fiancee)
Birmingham, AL
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