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Black Hills-Thank You
To all the people who took time to help me find my
lost horse at the Black Hills ride this last weekend.
Some of you know me and some of you don't, and it doesn't really
matter anyway. When my beloved horse, KW Sundance, took off out of
camp like a wild, crazed lunatic with his lead rope and picket snap chasing
him, evaporating into the woods, I thought that I would never see him
again. The thought of losing my best friend was almost unbearable and I
thought the worst. That he would get that snap and lead caught on
something in the woods and would break his neck. Or that he would get hung
up somewhere and die a slow death. All these things go through your mind
at a time like that, and it is hard to maintain some optimism. So
many of you made an effort to find him, and were so concerned, that I didn't
despair as helpless, and it made me realize how many people really care.
To all of you that I did not get to thank personally, I would like to tell all
of you how much I truly appreciated your efforts, and that I hope someday I will
be able to return the favor to some unfortunate person who needs my help.
You were all just great.
A happy ending to the story! " Ricky" was
found Tuesday afternoon by Jim Pitts, the brand inspector, who happened to be
getting ready to move cattle into the area for summer pasture. We had
stayed on an extra day to look for him, as did several of our friends and other
kind people who I can't remember names, but I thank them profusely
also. We did find his track though, so at this point I knew he
was still O.K. After much searching on Monday, we had to pack up and leave
for home early Tuesday morning. Needless to say, with a very heavy
heart. But, I did feel more optimistic at this point after speaking with
Mr. Pitts, as he was very confident that we would find him. It is an 11
hour drive for us to get to the Black Hills from Raton, N.M., so we were tired
and depressed when we got home. About two hours after getting home, the
phone rings. Jim found him about a 1/4 mile from camp, heading down
the road toward camp. Aside from a few scratches, he is fine, and as Jim
said to me about his attitude," Oh he's fine, but excuse me, just like an
Arab" I take that as a compliment. With the help of Paschal
Karl, Susie Schomberg, Warren Groetsch and Jan Mutchler, we will be able to pick
him up in Denver this weekend. A big Hug and Thanks to you folks!
As a final note, I would like to say that aside from the
unfortunate happenings of this past weekend which falls into the category of "
#* happens", it was an absolutely beautiful ride, well marked, well run,
great trails, I could go on and on. Paschal, you do a great job and we
will most assuredly be back. And thanks again for your support and
encouragement, you are a gem of a guy.
Happy Trails, Susan Norris-Romero

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