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Re: Trail Courtesy
Kat Swigart wrote in response to Amber and I:
----- Original Message -----
> K S SWIGART katswig@earthlink.net
> Amber said:
> >Karen Sullivan wrote:
> >
> >> Then, as many of you know, the trail goes right by the shooting range.
> >> the past, the horses hear the shots in advance and go by it, no problem
> >> (though I would hate to be on a really green, idiot horse) THIS year,
> >> stopped shooting WHILE they approached, then ALL the shooters let loose
> >> firing (some automatic), exactly timed for when we passed by. Nice
> >> huh?
> >
> >Excuuuuse me, but what the hell is the matter with people???? This just
> >me furious.
> It shouldn't. These shooters probably thought they were being
> polite and considerate. They were probably told, "There are
> going to be a bunch of horses going by today, and they might be
> startled by the gunfire so when you see them coming, it would
> be polite to stop shooting and wait until they have passed
> before resuming."
> And that is just what they thought they were doing. It is
> beyond me why people are so quick to think that other people
> are motivated by ill intent. In my experience, almost nobody
> is.
Kat, maybe I didn't explain it clearly. They were not shooting when we
approached-they waited until we were right opposite them, then ALL let loose
a volley of shots. As soon as we were, fortunately, safely past, they
stopped-almost like they were saving ammo for the NEXT group of
riders.....due to the large amount of trash on the ground and beer boxes, I
doubt this was a really "upright" considerate group of people......I have
nothing about shooting as a sport, and no problem with those shooting
consideratly at a legal spot, but have had too many run in's with the group
that brings out their own trash to shoot at, while going through cases of
beer to give many the benefit of the doubt...................I was NOT at
all worried riding by the shooting range,since my mare is pretty nonchalant
about, but I suspect many horses would lose their brains at the sound of
automatic (rapid) fire. But hey, maybe it was coincidence? Anyone else
have problems with those folks shooting?
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