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Re: Rapping (??)
Tamara wrote : "A 'refinemet' is to attach either sharp prikles ie. hedgehog
skin or nails to the rapping
You're way out of touch, Tamara. The latest refinement is to put spikes
inside the horse's boots, so that you CAN do this at shows (the spikes can't
be seen). Or you put vinegar or something similar on the horse's shins, to
make them more sensitive, so that when he hits a pole he REALLY feels it.
Now, at international shows, the officials remove the boots as the horse
comes out of the arena, to check for spikes (bottle caps are the favourite)
or to "smell" for vinegar. It's a sad, sad world.
"it can be detected by a good horse becoming a rearer though obvioulsy
other things can cause that as well) or by the distinctive back kick over a
fence some horses exhibit."
Also, you can see the raw patches on the horse's pastern / knee. Although
these can be attributed to a "slip in the paddock".
"my husband heard Richsrd Smith recomending it as a training method on Radio
1 ( National radio station in the uk). "
Don't you mean Robert Smith. Or Steven, or Harvey?
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