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Re: RC: NO dogs at Limestone Challange
This thread started, as I recall, because the RM or someone associated with
the ride stated that the NEW PROPERTY OWNERS,did not want more than a certain
number of campers/riders and did not want any dogs. It was further stated
that the RM is "on trial" andthe impl9ication was that the new owners may not
allow use of the land in the future if their requirements weren't met. You
can take the attitude "If my dogs can't come then neither can I" all you
want, but if people bring their dogs against the new owners' EXPRESS,
STATED-FAR-IN-ADVANCE WISHES, you have only yourselves to blame if you cost
PNER a ride. This is the same thing we've discussed previously, respect for
other peoples stuff!
jeri (who wouldn't bring my rotten mutts if someone ASKED me not to)
minx (monster dog ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF)
sadie (but I LIKE to go wandering around off my leash)
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